About Us
The Packianath Public School- CBSE (Affiliation No: 1931177) is run by the “Packianathan Charitable Trust” [Reg. No: 286/IV/2015]. TPPS gives opportunity to every child to live free from all fears and tensions. Our KG Children are nourished by Macmillan Educational System, Grade I to VIII students are exposed with Viva resource materials. Students from Grade IX and Grade X are exposed to NCERT Curriculum.
The Packianath Public School – CBSE, provides hoisted education in which we emphasize high academic and social standards to promote healthy life style, cultivated critical thinking, foster scientific temper and to instil desires for lifelong learning. The school believes in laying a strong foundation for children and creates an environment of self-motivated learners. The school boosts specialized Kindergarten, Primary, elementary and Secondary wings with excellent infrastructure as well as trained and compassionate staff.
The school offers an outstanding educational programme that is committed to its vision, robust in its academic aims, innovative in instructional approaches and rigorous in its pursuit of excellence. The school has been the precursor of the much desired change to value based thematic education and has become a classy institution within this short period.
Correspondent's Message
Welcome to our website !
I feel immensely pleased in welcoming you on behalf of the dynamic, competent and prestigious team of TPPS, a school that is creating an impression for its educational excellence through Active Learning.
We believe in catering and aesthetic ambience that would be required to fulfill the quench of global recognition , and thus the efficiency of The Packianath Public School (TPPS) has been sculpted upon three vital factors : Parents , Students and the school management. Our parents have been highly instrumental in our school’s growth. The trust they have vested in our standards clearly indicate their positivity, support and a high-level of responsibility in taking the school process in the right perspective through their constructive feedback, involvement and encouragement. My heartfelt thanks to them all for their faith in us which we are committed to see efficaciously achieved.
Being a global citizen is the need of the hour, we nurture our students to be empathetic and skillful in knowledge. Academically our children are showing remarkable progress for past three years. Our children have explored in all competitions and brought laurels to TPPS.
The management , under the guidance of our correspondent Mr.P.Sundarnath, is highly supportive to TPPS in progressing towards excellence. It is the collective vision of the TPPS management to foster global citizens.
We, TPPians look forward to prosperous learning days ahead.
Prayers and wishes to all TPPians
Mr.P. Sundarnath
The Packianath Public School - CBSE
Principal’s Message
Respected Parents,
Our children are gifts of God, born unique. They have a future, of own. It is up to us to build it up or break. Let us be considerate and kind towards them. Don’t think for them, but help them to think for themselves. Set an example before them. Let them learn from us the lessons of love, good behaviour and how to live in this society. “If you give all you are , all you do in order to acquire perfection, you will feel that the support is there, always guiding, showing the way. And if there is a difficulty , then instead of wanting to fight, you hand it over to the supreme wisdom to deal with it” Which I am sure, will definitely help them to build their “Winning personality” to lead a happy , contented, peaceful life and establish a holistic global society.
Dear Students,
You are entering an important phase in your life. Your actions and your behaviour
inside the school as well as outside will mould your future. Our responsibility is to guide you, with the co – operation of your parents, to prepare for the career of your choice.
You have the potential to become a successful individual. We intend to offer a helping hand so that you can achieve the best in life.” Success is never achieved by accident or chance”. A firm determination coupled with planned hard work is the only way to the ultimate goal of achieving success.
It is essential that you should plan to learn and learn to plan. After all, it will not be long before you become Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Administrators, Pilots, Entertainers, Educators, Police Officers, Designers, Architects, Computer Professionals, Mechanics, Businessmen, Builders, Financiers, Government officers and may be the leaders of tomorrow. Remember, you are our future, the future of our beloved Nation, in years to come.
Beloved Teachers,
“wishing you the best of learning & Planning”
The Mediocre teacher tells, a good teacher explains, a superior teacher demonstrates and the Great Teacher inspires. So be a great teacher as pedagogy is the profession which teaches all the professionals.
Endorsing to the thoughts expressed in the greatest letter by Abraham Lincoln. J request all my teachers to reach the letter since it is the repetition of affirmation that leads to belief and once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen. Wishing you the best: “2024 – 2025”.
Dr.L.Xavier Eugien M.Sc, M.Phil, M.A, M.Phil, M.A, M.Ed, M.A, M.Th, Ph.D
The Packianath Public School - CBSE
Vice Principal’s Message
Respected Parents,
Greetings! Welcome to the session 2024 -2025 !
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
- Nelson Mandela
We live in a world where education is a weapon to change one’s personal life like getting a good job, living a royal life, earning money and much more. But, it is not a tool to upgrade one’s personal needs, instead, it’s a weapon to bring changes in the society, country and world at large. On the whole, education means holistic development of a child and it’s not only restricted to the academic achievements, but also helping the child to come up with those inherited knowledge to build a better tomorrow with a disciplined way of life.
At TPPS, we believe that every child is a gift of God and that excellence is the way of life. Keeping this in mind, we provide the students, value based education, good general knowledge skills, communication development programmes, chance to explore their scientific knowledge and many others to grow in every sphere of life both in academics and in their personality development. Also, in the field of co – curricular activities, games and sports our students are providing their way towards great heights.
I take this opportunity to thank God Almighty for his benevolence , generous blessings showered upon our institution and each one of us. I extend my hearty wishes to all the Parent’s dreams and I wish and hope that all your dreams become true through TPPS.
As our school vision says, Let’s all join our hands to mould a child to be society committed and Global competent.
Mrs. N. Metilda,
Vice Principal,
The Packianath Public School - CBSE